Can STEM Learning be made interesting for Children? Find out here!
Can STEM Learning be made interesting for Children? Find out here!

STEM is a powerful tool that not only strengthens the fundamentals of science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines but also nourishes a child’s sense of wonder. Instead of teaching the four disciplines as discrete subjects, STEM integrates the same into a solid learning paradigm which is based on real-world application.

STEM learning helps to enhance the critical & creative thinking skills of children. Interestingly, it inspires innovation and nourishes problem-solving skills. Children who attend their STEM after school programs can improve perseverance and confidence levels.

STEM learning opens a new world of opportunities for children to help them acquire skills of the future, which will make a significant contribution to their life. STEM definitely is need of the hour. But, sessions must be equipped with fun-learning activities to make them more interesting for children and prevent dropouts.

Have you explored interesting ways to make STEM more exhilarating for children? Not Yet? Here they are:

  1. Creative Experiments

Performing actual experiments related to the concept explored can be an integral part of STEM learning sessions. The move will invite insightful interaction among students and even trainers. Simultaneously, the experience will be memorable for children as interactive sessions always appeal to kids 

  1. Real-world Applications

It is important to get children exposed to real STEM applications in the outside world. Connecting day-to-day activities and problems with their STEM learning will make a significant impression on children’s brains. They will also realize how important STEM learning is for the future.  

  1. Conduct Competitions

Children are known to have fun while competing. Be it quiz, spelling, 100 mt dash or grades, children like to win and develop self-esteem. Teachers can incorporate competitions during STEM learning and make children engage more effectively.

  1. Allocate Team Projects

According to experts, allowing children to work in teams will generate new ideas and creativity will flourish. In general, kids like to work in a team as it allows them to interact candidly and discuss learned concepts with friends. Children should collaborate and solve real-world problems through in-depth investigations, all together to gain a deeper understanding of STEM concepts. 

  1. Develop Reward Systems

Every child loves to have a reward. It can be a small candy, soft toy, or a remote car for any of their small or big achievements. Teachers can develop point systems while children acquire STEM skills. It will certainly keep them interested in learning.

About O’BOTZ

The practical approach advocated by O’BOTZ after school program encourages children to implement effective techniques required for building innovative projects with STEM robotics. It makes learning a fun activity and thus keeps the children involved.

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